domingo, 29 de agosto de 2010

Conversas sobre esses segundos de uma hora longa

-Deep down, amazonic  ideas.
 Smoke fly in the sky
 “three little birds”…  no more
 It’s look out-city
Water in roof sun rays reflection on the wall
Smoke fly in the sky
Dogs cry and noon
Birds sings old music
Tomorrow?- but long day- just now
Urubus, Leaves, colors, T-shirts dancing on wind melody
Smoke fly ,smoke in the sky ,
Smoke…  fire plants, animals and life.
Little jungles, woods, capoeiras, igarapés,
No more
Those miles before hand man action
thousand miles no forest,
 only ox
and grass

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  • termo que se refere ao pensamento da coisa urbana, da distribuição racional, intencional, com tecnica sobre o território.